Many think they want to be a high achievement company but only a select few have the tenacity and vision to do it. Becoming a high achievement company is a journey and NOT an event and there is no silver bullet. It is hard work and requires all of the members of the leadership team to be stronger, wiser and better.
Is Synergy Business Group right for you?
- Do you spend time reacting to issues, surprises, and fighting fires as opposed to strategically growing the business?
- Do you believe your company is capable of achieving more and are willing to make the changes to turn potential into results?
- Are you challenged by organization silos and recognize the value of having a true leadership team?
- Are you frustrated by losing “A-Players” to your competition?
If you recognize these challenges in your company and you are ready to do something about them, you will want to work with us. We will help you become a company that grows and achieves results in a proactive and profitable manner.
Our Services

Engineering Your Business for Success©
Engineering Your Business for Success© is about building a culture of discipline and achievement that grows revenue and profit, executes strategic initiatives, retains and develops team members, and develops high achievement leadership teams.
We have identified and coded the natural laws of high achievement into Engineering Your Business for Success©. Although we have a process, we are NOT passive advisors providing a text book process and merely facilitating strategy sessions. We are business people and we have the experience to help you become a high achievement leadership team and company. Engineering Your Business for Success© is a proven process for aligning the leadership team and achieving results.
We work in partnership with you to institutionalize Engineering Your Business for Success© into your organization; We work with you to achieve your objectives and build a high achievement leadership team.
The Engineering Your Business for Success© process absolutely works and results in significantly increasing your organization’s ability to perform and drive high achievement. Engineering Your Business for Success© includes modules on Mastering Effective Executive Teams, Engineering Your Data For Success, Engineering Your Communication Tempo For Success, Engineering Your Goals For Success, and Engineering Your Decision-Making Filters For Success.
This comprehensive program builds high achievement leadership teams. High achievement leadership teams build high achievement companies. And high achievement companies achieve their desired goals and results.
Contact us for a free 45-minute phone consultation.
NAVIX – Exit Planning for You and Your Business

NAVIX helps business owners navigate and achieve happy exits. We have learned that successful exits require planning and execution. Business owners who do not plan have fewer options and risk losing control of the process. And owners who do not execute face falling short of their goals. We are unique because we help navigate both exit planning and execution, getting both the owner and business ready for exit.
NAVIX uses a dual-track process that focuses on preparing both the business and the owners for the future exit. NAVIX is not just about planning; we also guide the development and implementation of your plan in an effective, timely, and cost-efficient manner and help clients execute the strategies and tactics needed to achieve their successful exit.
See What Steps You and Your Business Need to Take for Exit Success

The NAVIX Map illustrates our process to identify, anticipate, and prepare for issues that lead to a happy exit. There are four different Exit Strategies available to business owners: Sell to Outside Buyer, Sell to Inside Buyer, Pass to Family, Planned Liquidation. Each Exit Strategy reveals the course to follow along the Owner and Business Pathways, and the Checkpoints that apply to that Strategy. Each Checkpoint is a major issue or question that may need to be addressed to achieve a successful exit.
Exit planning is a team sport so we coordinate our work with your tax, accounting, legal and other advisors.
NAVIX clients pay a flat, no-surprise monthly retainer fee for as long as we are providing value. We strive to do work with our clients from now all the way until they happily exit.

Synergy Business Group is a Certified NAVIX Consultant. The Certified NAVIX Consultant program recognizes those individuals who have met a higher standard of knowledge about helping business owners achieve exit success through the NAVIX system and tools. Certified NAVIX Consultants must complete additional training, and over time demonstrate excellent results for clients.
Contact us for a free 45-minute phone consultation.